Jan 13, 2010

Adoption Bath

A bath is truly a wonderful procedure with which you have not only ensures the effective cleansing your body, but also taking care of your physical and psychological health. Past ten - twenty minutes in warm water after a hard day's work will help relieve the tension in the body and allow the body to relax.

General recommendations.

Do not take a bath more than 30 minutes, because otherwise your skin will lose up to 30% natural lubricant. You also can not take a bath in very hot water, the optimum temperature for this procedure, 36 - 38 degrees.

Not recommended to take a bath on a full stomach.

After the bath the body rinse clean with cool water - this will not only wash away the remnants of cosmetics, but also have an excellent tonic effect on the skin and the organism as a whole.

In order for a bath and brought a beneficial therapeutic effect on skin and body should be in warm water add many useful supplements.

One of the most famous and popular supplements is sea salt, which renders the body stimulating, strengthening and toning effect. To prepare the salt bath to 300 - 400 g of sea salt to dissolve under running water.

Simply remarkable results show bath with the addition of various essential oils. Oil baths are very effective as in cosmetics, as well as physical and psychological illnesses.

7-15 drops of your chosen essential oil must first dissolve in the emulsifiers, such as milk, honey or sea salt, then add the bath.

If you feel the approach of a cold, take a bath with essential oils - pine, lemon, sage or lemon balm.

Get rid of insomnia help essential oils - juniper, patchouli, lemon balm, lavender.

In order to overcome depression, take a bath with essential oils - orange, basil, patchouli, ylang-ylang.

Strengthen the nervous system will help essential oils - sage, ylang-ylang, jasmine, rosemary.

If you have dry and prone to irritation of the skin, taking a bath, add essential oil - orange, thyme, jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium.

Oily skin, where there are different kinds of rashes, help essential oils - sage, patchouli, fennel, lavender.

To help get rid of cellulite can essential oils - orange, lemon, thyme.

For our body is also very helpful with all kinds of bath herb extract. And besides, dry grass there at hand almost every housewife. Preparations broth: 100 g of dry grasses pour in 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for an hour, then strain and add to the bath.

For dry skin will be very effective bath with chamomile, lime blossoms, or Melissa.

Problem skin suit bath with extracts of rosemary, fennel, sage or marigold.

Strengthen the nervous system will help bath with decoction of sage or rosemary.

To increase the elasticity of the skin of the body regularly take a bath with extract of sage and tea leaves, taken in equal proportions.

To make the skin smooth and silky body, use the old time-tested recipes.

About the efficiency of milk baths have long known, but to date such a procedure would be very costly, but it can be successfully modified by using powdered milk.

Preparation of milk bath: dissolve 1 cup of powdered milk in a small amount of foam bath and this emulsion dilute a small amount of warm water, then add in the main water for bathing.

Restore skin firmness and smoothness will next bath: take 3 - 4 tablespoons of milk powder, potato starch and coarse flour mix thoroughly and wrap in several layers of folded cheesecloth and then hang on the crane under a stream of warm water.

It is also very effective for skin following a bath: Take a glass of milk powder and 8-10 tablespoons of honey and carefully pound, then wrap in cheesecloth and hang on the crane under a stream of water.

To resume the moisture lost during the bathing procedure is very effective and useful to drink hot tea.

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